The Future State of work: Do you need to up your game?

The landscape has changed people, and no I’m talking about beautiful scenery, it’s the prospects for employment into the beyond.  I started to wonder what does this mean for the average worker falling into the millennial scope; Note: at first I honestly thought if you ever used a Walkman in your life time to listen to music, that you weren’t considered a millennial.  Technological developments are continuing to transform what it means for future jobs and just what jobs will be obsolete. This also involves evolving  how we get noticed in the workforce, amongst the crowd with the powerhouse networking site that is LinkedIn.

LinkedIn pic
LinkedIn the global powerhouse

The (secret) list

I set off in search of what I need to consider for a field of study in the next 10 years. I searched for jobs of the future and came across a TED talk by Andrew McAfee on just what our future will look like. And at first, it looks grim as I now know I need to compete with R2-D2. Automation of processes will make the future of industries like manufacturing bleak. But it’s not all bad, three areas that will create a lot of growth in employment opportunities according to the Federal Employment Department will be Health care and Social workers, Digital technicians and the field of Education and Training. According to Forbes , the jobs safe for millennial’s will be professions like Data scientist’s, engineers, doctors and anything not able to be automated.

RD-D2 is coming for your job

The LinkedIn Crowd

Another important thing to consider about future prospects is the idea of public and personal brand. Therefore, it came time to revise my LinkedIn page after reading about the impact it has on your image and employ-ability especially in the recruitment process. Now more than ever it is important to stand out amongst the crowd.  Tips that are generally given that I can now apply to my page in no particular order are: Choose a photo fit for purpose, this means no selfie’s (including the duck lips pose), random screen savers or photos of your pets (this was a tempting first option for me). Next is to summarise yourself in a way that will attract more recruiters and avoiding the terms that are overused.  A must is to expand your work experience to your wider life experience as well, this includes any community work that you do that may align with potential employer’s values and vision. Lastly is to connect with alumni, colleagues as it is in a way like Facebook that will connect you to the right people.

French bulldog
No matter how much you love animals, stick to a professional LinkedIn photo

Back on track

The goods news is, there is still a positive outlook for the future of jobs and for those in Manufacturing industries it may be time to reassess long-term goals. And in terms of getting your brand name our with LinkedIn, beware with the friend requests you receive, as I was shocked to discover online that LinkedIn is being used as the new Dating app.



2 thoughts on “The Future State of work: Do you need to up your game?

  1. Hi,

    This is a nice read. Well done.

    You sort of mash two concepts together and so only superficially look at both. I’d recommend breaking them apart into two separate blog posts, so you can do them both justice.

    Keep it up!!


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